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Bikini Bootcamp is held at an unbeatable location at the beachfront eco chic resort with Cancun international airport being direct flight from most all major cities.

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on a pristine beach in Tulum, Mexico -- approximately 2 hours south of Cancun ,. Bikini Bootcamp is so much more than amazing fitness and yoga classes.

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The perfect place for an escape to paradise and rejuvenate yourself with our beachfront fitness bootcamps. Consisting of 24 beautiful cabanas set in a village .

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Description:Email It took me a year to book my trip to Bikini Bootcamp. While white, cool-sand beaches and crystal-blue warm water sounded like heaven, mandatory bikinis and a camp full of women obsessed with their bodies would surely be pure hell. When I first read about the six-day Bikini Bootcamp at Amansala, a remote beach off Tulum, Mexico, all I could conjure up were images of toned swimsuit models gracefully sprinting over the white sand, with me lumbering behind them looking distinctly un-sylph like.

Views: 6010 Date: 2018-06-21 Favorited: 81 favorites

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